Unlock Performance
with Recognition & Rewards

Get started today with a free trial or schedule a personalized demo to explore how we can address your requirements.

Free trial

no credit card required, instant setup

Free trial

Free trial includes:
Peer-to-peer recognition
Automated awards
Real-time activity feed
Actionable people insights 
Easy to use mobile apps (Android and iOS)
Integrations with Slack and Microsoft Teams


Built for you
Contact us for a custom estimate

Get a demo

Everything in Pro and:
Dedicated support and consultation team
Launch strategy and rollout support
Manager resources and training
Custom HRIS integrations

Integrate with your favorite tools

Straightforward integrations make setup and configuration easy, wherever your employees work.

See Integrations

Get the customer support you need

Our best-in-class onboarding sets you up on day one, and ongoing support keeps you optimized.

Explore Bonusly support

Need help building your business case?

Learn how recognition and engagement increase productivity and decrease turnover. It’s great information to have when you make the case on behalf of your employees.

Talk to a specialist

“Bonusly is, hands down, my favorite benefit at my company. It's so nice to be able to recognize your co-workers when they do something so amazing and out of their wheelhouse.”


“Our team members work in various locations throughout the state... Bonusly has helped us to fill that gap, as well as increase staff engagement, and help add in an element of fun and humor into our day-to-day work.”


“Bonusly is the pinnacle of set it and forget it. Their environment is so self sustaining for the users inside it there is basically never any need for administrative input beyond adding new people in!”


“The solution integrates seamlessly with Slack which was critical for us. It also allows us to utilize our digital signage at our offices around the globe.”


Have Questions?

How much do rewards cost?

You'll pay face value for rewards when your employees redeem from the Bonusly Reward Catalog: a $10 Amazon gift card will cost you $10. Because we don't combine your rewards spend with your subscription costs, you don't have to pay large upfront costs to get started with Bonusly, and you'll never pay for any unused monthly allowance. Learn more about how to budget for your reward spending here.

What ROI can I expect from Bonusly?

Companies that use Bonusly report higher employee engagement and productivity; individual employees report increased happiness and motivation. When employees are engaged, motivated, and happy at work, turnover rates decrease significantly.Companies typically spend more than twice the value of an annual salary to fill highly-skilled roles. By directly addressing the factors that contribute to turnover, Bonusly is an investment in your employees that supports your bottom line.

What’s included in the Bonusly free trial?

With our free trial, you’ll experience everything that Bonusly has to offer. Explore the platform, invite your coworkers to start giving each other bonuses, and even integrate Bonusly with your company's collaborative tools, single sign-on services, and HR systems. You’ll also be introduced to our Customer Success team; if you have any questions, you can chat with them directly in Bonusly.The fine print is plain and simple: we don't require any payment information for the free trial.

Where can I learn more about Bonusly features?

We’re so glad you asked! For an overview of Bonusly, check out our product tour. To dive into greater detail, our Help Center and Product blog can help you learn how to use and make the most of Bonusly. Of course, you can always sign up for a trial to explore the features yourself or get a demo to see them in action.

Which plan is right for me?

Bonusly fosters recognition-rich cultures in all types of organizations, from startups to global corporations; from animal hospitals to non-profits; from factories to offices to distributed teams.

The Bonusly Core plan is great for small teams and orgs (50 people or fewer) that want to introduce an engaging, fun, and easy recognition program.

The Pro plan is a good fit for teams and orgs that want to build a culture of recognition that’s scalable and easy to manage.Our custom plans are for enterprise organizations as well as companies with more than 100 employees. Get in touch to chat about your unique needs.

What if I want to cancel?

We want you to be fully satisfied with Bonusly and will work with you to make sure the program is successful. If you do decide to cancel, you can easily do so at any time.

Not sure which plan is right for you?

Talk with our employee experience experts about your unique requirements, and they’ll find a Bonsuly package that caters to all your needs!